Brother Sister Funny Quotes are a great way to show the special bond between siblings. Brothers and sisters share unique experiences and memories that can be laughed about for years. These quotes highlight the fun and humor that comes with having a brother or sister. From silly arguments to inside jokes, brothers and sisters know how to have a good time together. Laughing at the madness that comes with family life is one of the best ways to show your sibling love.
Brother and sister are bound to share some Funny moments. From the little things that happen in everyday life, like being mistaken for the other’s spouse, to more big-picture memories, like the time one sibling drove the other crazy as a child, brothers and sisters always have something to laugh about. Here are some of our favorite Brother Sister Funny Quotes that capture the essence of this special relationship.
Brother Sister Funny Quotes
Brother Sister Funny Quotes offer a hilarious and often truthful look at the complicated relationship between brothers and sisters. Brother and sister are the people we share our childhood with, who know us best and love us unconditionally. They are also the ones who can offer the sharpest insight into our personalities and habits – both good and bad. They are also a great reminder that no matter how much they argue or bicker, they will always be there for one another when it counts. We have also collected some funny cute quotes from brothers and sisters.
“My sister is my best friend until she copies my hairstyle. Then, I’ll swear she’s adopted.”

“Having sisters is like living in Cinderella’s house. I’m pretty, overworked, and underappreciated, and they’re evil.”
“Never let an angry sister comb your hair.” – Patricia McCann.

“We are sisters. If I am mad at someone, you are mad at them, too. End of story.”
“I smile because you’re my sister. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Sometimes siblings can get in each other’s space.” – Gisele Bündchen.
He might have a big mouth, but he’s still my little brother.

Little brothers are like bop bags. You hit ’em, and they keep bouncing back for more.
I don’t call you a little brother because you’re younger. I call you a little brother because it’s my right to belittle you.
If I were lit, you would tell – that’s why you’re my lit-tell brother!

I used to want to be like my big sister until I realized that would make me old too.
Little brothers prove that sequels are never as good as the original version of something.
The only thing big about my big brother is his ego!

My sister is my best friend until she copies my hairstyle. Then, I’ll swear she’s adopted.
Bigger isn’t always better, case in point, my big brother.
Cute Brother and Sister Quotes Funny
“Sometimes siblings can get in each other’s space.” ― Gisele Bündchen

“I think I’m funny because my family, my siblings were funny.” – Martin Short.
My sister is my idol, my bestie, and my soulmate… until she borrows my clothes.
Don’t worry about filling my shoes, sis. No one expects you to turn into this!

You may be older than me, sister, but that’s all you’ve got on me!
There is never enough time for fun with your siblings!
“Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together.” – Sam Levenson.
“My sister has an awesome sister, true story.”
“Having lots of siblings is like having built-in best friends.” – Kim Kardashian.
No matter what you grow up to be, remember, I am the original.
Having a big sister is knowing your darkest secrets will always be kept… for a price.
Siblings Funny Quotes
Siblings are a gift from the gods, sent to test us and make us stronger. Sometimes this testing is done through torment and torture, but more often than not it manifests in the form of hilarious quotes and moments that we can all look back on and laugh at. Below are some of the Siblings’ Funny Quotes, proving that even though they can be annoying sometimes, they’re pretty awesome.
“Siblings that say they never fight are most definitely hiding something.” — Lemony Snicket

“We are sisters, if I am mad at someone, you are mad at them too. End of story.” – Janice Reynolds
”Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember, oh I put up with you. So we’re even.”
“There are many benefits of being related to me. For example, I’m your sibling, you are welcome !” – Sheylbylyn
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
“Happiness is having a younger brother, who is taller than you.” – Ibeebz
“Of two sisters one is always the watcher, one the dancer.” – Louise Gluck
“Sisters don’t need words to communicate. They have perfected a language of smirks, smiles, frowns, and winks.” – Pam Brown
“I may fight with my siblings. But once you lay a finger on them, you’ll be facing me.” – Abby Slater
Fighting Brother and sister Funny Quotes
Fighting with your siblings can be frustrating, but it’s also pretty funny. Check out these Fighting Brother And Sister Funny Quotes for a good laugh. Then, share them with your siblings to show them that you understand what they’re going through and that you still love them, despite the occasional argument.
“You cannot live without only one enemy, and they are your siblings.”

“Siblings – the definition that comprises love, strife, competition and forever friends.” – Byron Pulsifer
“Sisters and brothers are the truest, purest forms of love, family, and friendship, knowing when to hold you and when to challenge you, but always being a part of you.” – Carol Ann
“A sibling is the lens through which you see your childhood.” – Ann Hood
“A sibling represents a person’s past, present, and future.” – John Corey Whaley
“In some ways, siblings, and especially sisters, are more influential in your childhood than your parents.” – Deborah Tannen
“A plenty of relationships are made and broken, but siblings stay forever.”
“Brothers and sisters separated by distance joined by love.” – Chuck Danes
“No matter how much you dislike your siblings, they are there with you whenever you need them.”
Funny Quotes About Brothers and Sisters Fighting
Fighting is a normal part of growing up. We’ve all done it, and we’ll all continue to do it. Most of the time these battles are simply over childish things. Like who gets the last piece of cake or who has to take out the trash. But what happens when two siblings start fighting for reasons that go beyond just typical sibling rivalry? All those Funny Quotes About Brothers And Sisters Fighting will make you remember your childhood.
- Also Read: Quotes for Sister
Siblings are like built-in shoplifters, always taking stuff that doesn’t belong to them.

Sometimes your sisters and brothers can fight like cats and dogs.
When brothers and sisters get in trouble, it’s like watching cats and dogs fight. They trade jabs while their tails fly around.
Little sister, there is nothing I would not do for you, except share my clothes.
Sometimes, you have to find funny ways to tell your brother he’ll never become famous.
Sometimes, we fight, but we are always there for each other.
“The moment when a guy you don’t know posts ‘I love you’ on your sister’s Facebook wall and you are like, ‘I’m watching you.’”
“Happiness is annoying elder sister my being taller than her.” – Bethany K
“More than Santa Claus, your sister knows where have you been bad and good.” – Linda Sunshine
When do parents ask why you can’t all just get along: Sure, a long-distance relationship?
Sibling fights are like t-ball games; no one actually wins because Mom wants to make things fair and punishes everyone.
Jokes Funny Brother and Sister Quotes
The oldest child always sets the bar. Thank goodness you set it low!

“Sister and friend: two words that mean the same thing.”
A sibling is the one enemy you never want to rid yourself of.
No one fights harder or loves harder than a pair of sibs.
I wouldn’t trade my siblings for the world. I don’t have anywhere to put it.
Siblings are notorious for teasing each other, and these Brother Sister Funny Quotes capture that perfectly. If you’re looking for a good laugh, take a look at these hilarious quotes about brother and sister relationships. And don’t forget to like, comment, and share them with your friends!